
django_dbcache_fields.receivers.invalidate_dbcache_fields_by_fks(sender, instance, **kwargs)

Empty all fields that are invalidated by the save of a related model as indicated in the dbcache decorator invalidated_by argument.

django_dbcache_fields.receivers.invalidate_dbcache_fields_by_m2m(sender, instance, action, reverse, model, **kwargs)

Empty all fields that are invalidated by the save of a related model as indicated in the dbcache decorator invalidated_by argument.

django_dbcache_fields.receivers.update_dbcache_fields(sender, instance, **kwargs)

Update all model fields that are used by dbcache methods by calling their original function if flagged as dirty (or no dirty function available).

django_dbcache_fields.receivers.update_models(sender, **kwargs)

Update the models that have dbcache methods with the proper model fields. Also connect the pre-save hook to update fields when needed.